What is the IABC?
“The IABC has given me access to a global (and local) network of fantastic communications professionals.”
Simon Monger
Setting a standard of excellence since 1970, the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) is a vibrant global membership association with a network of 10,000 members in more than 80 countries, representing many of the global Fortune 500 companies.
Eight worldwide regions
The Europe, Middle East and North Africa (EMENA) region is one of eight regions representing IABC. And at the heart and soul of these regions are communities of members known as chapters.
Chapters give members the chance to develop a network of connections, tap into local communication experts and thought leaders, and access workshops, conferences, programs and resources to drive business results and grow their career.
100+ worldwide chapters
While IABC has over 100 chapters around the world, each with local offerings, every chapter follows the same shared values that makes our association unique.